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(Վերահղված է Մասնակից:Svenjiից)

Welcome! Välkommen! Bienvenido!

Տեղեկություն մասնակցի լեզուների մասին (Բաբելոն)
sv-N Den här användaren har svenska som modersmål.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
es-2 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento intermedio del español.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances de base en français.
da-1 Denne bruger har grundlæggende kendskab til dansk.
no-1 Denne brukeren har grunnleggende kjennskap til norsk.
Users by language
I try to do the right thing. If I make a mistake, please let me know.
This proud user has been an active contributor of the Swedish Wikipedia for more than ten years
This user is an administratör of the Swedish Wiktionary. (control)

I am Svenji, a Wiktionarian and Wikipedian from Sweden. I have been involved in the Wiki project since 2006 (wow... I can't believe it myself.) I am mainly a creator at the Swedish Wiktionary, but I create or improve pages on Wikipedia too. However, I like to put a finger in every pie; you will find minor edits on Wikiprojects of possibly hundreds of languages. In my editing I want the pages to be professional, informative, but also fun, street-smart and visually pleasing, and I do believe that readers like a bit of "fun facts" at times. So let's keep it cute. I'm a humble guy, and I REALLY appreciate to be informed if any mistakes are made in my contributions here.

Language sources



Sami languages