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Documentation for this module may be created at Մոդուլ:languages/data2/doc

local u = mw.ustring.char

-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE     = u(0x0300)
local ACUTE     = u(0x0301)
local CIRC      = u(0x0302)
local TILDE     = u(0x0303)
local MACRON    = u(0x0304)
local BREVE     = u(0x0306)
local DOTABOVE  = u(0x0307)
local DIAER     = u(0x0308)
local CARON     = u(0x030C)
local DGRAVE    = u(0x030F)
local INVBREVE  = u(0x0311)
local DOTBELOW  = u(0x0323)
local RINGBELOW = u(0x0325)
local CEDILLA   = u(0x0327)

-- Puncuation to be used for standardChars field
local PUNCTUATION = ' \!\#\$\%\&\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\^\_\`\|\~\'\(\)'

local m = {}

m["aa"] = {
	canonicalName = "աֆարերեն",
	otherNames = {"Qafar"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cus",

m["ab"] = {
	canonicalName = "աբխազերեն",
	otherNames = {"Abkhazian", "Abxazo"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl", "Geor", "Latn"},
	family = "cau-abz",
	translit_module = "ab-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {}} ,

m["ae"] = {
	canonicalName = "Avestan",
	otherNames = {"Zend", "Old Bactrian"},
	scripts = {"Avst", "Gujr"},
	family = "ira-eas",
	translit_module = "Avst-translit",

m["af"] = {
	canonicalName = "աֆրիկաանս",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"nl"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[äáâà]", "[ëéêè]", "[ïíîì]", "[öóôò]", "[üúûù]", "[ÿýŷỳ]", "^-", "'"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	, "i"	, "o"	, "u"  , "y" }} ,

m["ak"] = {
	canonicalName = "աքան",
	otherNames = {"Twi-Fante", "Twi", "Fante", "Fanti", "Asante", "Akuapem"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-kwa",

m["am"] = {
	canonicalName = "ամհարերեն",
	scripts = {"Ethi"},
	family = "sem-eth",
	translit_module = "Ethi-translit",

m["an"] = {
	canonicalName = "արագոներեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"roa-oan"},

m["ar"] = {
	canonicalName = "արաբերեն",
	otherNames = {"Modern Standard Arabic", "Standard Arabic", "Literary Arabic", "Classical Arabic"},
	scripts = {"Arab"},
	family = "sem-arb",
	entry_name = {
		from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
		to   = {u(0x0627)}},
	translit_module = "ar-translit",

m["as"] = {
	canonicalName = "ասամերեն",
	scripts = {"Beng"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"pka"},

m["av"] = {
	canonicalName = "ավարերեն",
	otherNames = {"Avaric"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "cau-nec",
	ancestors = {"oav"},
	translit_module = "av-translit",

m["ay"] = {
	canonicalName = "այմարա",
	otherNames = {"Southern Aymara", "Central Aymara"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "sai-aym",

m["az"] = {
	canonicalName = "ադրբեջաներեն",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl", "fa-Arab"},
	family = "trk-ogz",

m["ba"] = {
	canonicalName = "բաշկիրերեն",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "trk-kip",
	translit_module = "ba-translit",

m["be"] = {
	canonicalName = "բելառուսերեն",
	otherNames = {"Belorussian", "Belarusan", "Bielorussian", "Byelorussian", "Belarussian", "White Russian"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "zle",
	translit_module = "be-translit",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"Ё", "ё"},
		to   = {"Е" , "е"}},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Ѐ", "ѐ", GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {"Е", "е"}},

m["bg"] = {
	canonicalName = "բուլղարերեն",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "zls",
	translit_module = "bg-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Ѐ", "ѐ", "Ѝ", "ѝ", GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {"Е", "е", "И", "и"}},

m["bh"] = {
	canonicalName = "բհոջպուրի",
	scripts = {"Deva"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"pka"},

m["bi"] = {
	canonicalName = "բիսլամա",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "crp",
	ancestors = {"en"},

m["bm"] = {
	canonicalName = "բամբարա",
	otherNames = {"Bamanankan"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "dmn",

m["bn"] = {
	canonicalName = "բենգալերեն",
	otherNames = {"Bangla"},
	scripts = {"Beng"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"pka"},
	translit_module = "bn-translit",

m["bo"] = {
	canonicalName = "տիբեթերեն",
	scripts = {"Tibt"},
	family = "tbq",
	ancestors = {"xct"},
	translit_module = "bo-translit",

m["br"] = {
	canonicalName = "բրետոներեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-bry",
	ancestors = {"xbm"},

m["ca"] = {
	canonicalName = "կատալաներեն",
	otherNames = {"Valencian"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"roa-oca"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"à", "[èé]", "[íï]", "[òó]", "[úü]", "ç", "l·l"},
		to   = {"a", "e"   , "i"   , "o"   , "u"   , "c", "ll" }} ,

m["ce"] = {
	canonicalName = "չեչեներեն",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "cau-nkh",
	translit_module = "ce-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {MACRON},
		to   = {}},

m["ch"] = {
	canonicalName = "չամոռո",
	otherNames = {"Chamoru"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-sus",

m["co"] = {
	canonicalName = "կորսիկերեն",
	otherNames = {"Corsu"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",

m["cr"] = {
	canonicalName = "քրի",
	scripts = {"Cans", "Latn"},
	family = "alg",
	translit_module = "cr-translit",

m["cs"] = {
	canonicalName = "չեխերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "zlw",
	ancestors = {"zlw-ocs"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "[úů]", "ý"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"   , "y"}} ,

m["cu"] = {
	canonicalName = "եկեղեցական սլավոներեն",
	otherNames = {"Old Church Slavic"},
	scripts = {"Cyrs", "Glag"},
	family = "zls",
	translit_module = "Cyrs-Glag-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {u(0x0484)}, -- kamora
		to   = {}},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"оу", "є"},
		to   = {"у" , "е"}} ,

m["cv"] = {
	canonicalName = "չուվաշերեն",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "trk-ogr",
	translit_module = "cv-translit",

m["cy"] = {
	canonicalName = "ուելսերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-bry",
	ancestors = {"wlm"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[âáàä]", "[êéèë]", "[îíìï]", "[ôóòö]", "[ûúùü]", "[ŵẃẁẅ]", "[ŷýỳÿ]", "'"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 , "w"	 , "y"	 }} ,

m["da"] = {
	canonicalName = "դանիերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"gmq-oda"},

m["de"] = {
	canonicalName = "գերմաներեն",
	otherNames = {"High German", "New High German", "Deutsch"}, -- the last name is indeed also used in English
	scripts = {"Latn", "Latf"},
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"gmh"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[äàáâå]", "[ëèéê]", "[ïìíî]", "[öòóô]", "[üùúû]", "ß" },
		to   = {"a"	  , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 , "ss"}} ,

m["dv"] = {
	canonicalName = "մալդիվերեն",
	otherNames = {"Divehi", "Mahal", "Mahl", "Maldivian"},
	scripts = {"Thaa"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"pmh"},
	translit_module = "dv-translit",

m["dz"] = {
	canonicalName = "ջոնգքհա",
	scripts = {"Tibt"},
	family = "tbq",
	ancestors = {"xct"},
	translit_module = "bo-translit",

m["ee"] = {
	canonicalName = "էվե",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv",

m["el"] = {
	canonicalName = "հունարեն",
	otherNames = {"Modern Greek", "Neo-Hellenic"},
	scripts = {"Grek"},
	family = "grk",
	ancestors = {"grc"},
	translit_module = "el-translit",
	sort_key = {  -- Keep this synchronized with grc, cpg, pnt
		from = {"[ᾳάᾴὰᾲᾶᾷἀᾀἄᾄἂᾂἆᾆἁᾁἅᾅἃᾃἇᾇ]", "[έὲἐἔἒἑἕἓ]", "[ῃήῄὴῂῆῇἠᾐἤᾔἢᾒἦᾖἡᾑἥᾕἣᾓἧᾗ]", "[ίὶῖἰἴἲἶἱἵἳἷϊΐῒῗ]", "[όὸὀὄὂὁὅὃ]", "[ύὺῦὐὔὒὖὑὕὓὗϋΰῢῧ]", "[ῳώῴὼῲῶῷὠᾠὤᾤὢᾢὦᾦὡᾡὥᾥὣᾣὧᾧ]", "ῥ", "ς"},
		to   = {"α"						, "ε"		 , "η"						, "ι"				, "ο"		 , "υ"				, "ω"						, "ρ", "σ"}} ,

m["en"] = {
	canonicalName = "անգլերեն",
	otherNames = {"Modern English", "New English", "Hawaiian Creole English", "Hawai'ian Creole English", "Hawaiian Creole", "Hawai'ian Creole", "Polari", "Yinglish"}, -- all but the first three are names and alt names of subsumed dialects which once had ISO codes
	scripts = {"Latn", "Shaw", "Dsrt"}, -- last two are rare but probably attested; entries in them might require community approval, but it's good for the script codes not to be orphans
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"enm"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[äàáâåā]", "[ëèéêē]", "[ïìíîī]", "[öòóôō]", "[üùúûū]", "æ" , "œ" , "[çč]", "ñ", "'"},
		to   = {"a"       , "e"      , "i"      , "o"      , "u"      , "ae", "oe", "c"   , "n"}},
	wikimedia_codes = {"en", "simple"},
	standardChars = "A-Za-z0-9" .. PUNCTUATION .. u(0x2800) .. "-" .. u(0x28FF)

m["eo"] = {
	canonicalName = "էսպերանտո",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "art",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áà]", "[éè]", "[íì]", "[óò]", "[úù]", "[ĉ]", "[ĝ]", "[ĥ]", "[ĵ]", "[ŝ]", "[ŭ]"},
		to   = {"a"	   , "e"  , "i"  , "o"  , "u", "cĉ", "gĉ", "hĉ", "jĉ", "sĉ", "uĉ"}} ,

m["es"] = {
	canonicalName = "իսպաներեն",
	otherNames = {"Castilian"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"osp"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "[úü]", "ç", "ñ"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"   , "c", "n"}},
	standardChars = "A-Za-z0-9ÁáÉéÍíÓóÚúÑñ¿¡" .. PUNCTUATION

m["et"] = {
	canonicalName = "էստոներեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "fiu-fin",

m["eu"] = {
	canonicalName = "բասկերեն",
	otherNames = {"Euskara"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "euq",

m["fa"] = {
	canonicalName = "պարսկերեն",
	otherNames = {"ֆարսի", "New Persian", "Modern Persian", "Western Persian", "Iranian Persian", "Eastern Persian", "Dari", "Aimaq", "Aimak", "Aymaq", "Eimak"},
	scripts = {"fa-Arab"},
	family = "ira-wes",
	ancestors = {"pal"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652)},
		to   = {}} ,

m["ff"] = {
	canonicalName = "ֆուլահ",
	otherNames = {"Adamawa Fulfulde", "Bagirmi Fulfulde", "Borgu Fulfulde", "Central-Eastern Niger Fulfulde", "Fulani", "Fulfulde", "Maasina Fulfulde", "Nigerian Fulfulde", "Pular", "Pulaar", "Western Niger Fulfulde"}, -- Maasina, etc are dialects, subsumed into this code
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-sng",

m["fi"] = {
	canonicalName = "ֆիններեն",
	otherNames = {"Suomi"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "fiu-fin",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"ˣ"},  -- Used to indicate gemination of the next consonant
		to   = {}},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áàâã]", "[éèêẽ]", "[íìîĩ]", "[óòôõ]", "[úùûũ]", "[ýỳŷüű]", "[øõő]", "æ" , "œ" , "[čç]", "š", "ž", "ß" , "[':]"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 ,  "y"	 , "ö"	, "ae", "oe", "c"   , "s", "z", "ss"}} ,

m["fj"] = {
	canonicalName = "ֆիջիերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-occ",

m["fo"] = {
	canonicalName = "ֆարյորերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"non"},

m["fr"] = {
	canonicalName = "ֆրանսերեն",
	otherNames = {"ժամանակակից ֆրանսերեն"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"frm"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áàâä]", "[éèêë]", "[íìîï]", "[óòôö]", "[úùûü]", "[ýỳŷÿ]", "ç", "æ" , "œ" , "'"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 , "y"	 , "c", "ae", "oe"}},
	standardChars = "A-Za-z0-9ÀÂÇÉÈÊËÎÏÔŒÛÙÜàâçéèêëîïôœûùü" .. PUNCTUATION

m["fy"] = {
	canonicalName = "արևմտաֆրիզերեն",
	otherNames = {"Western Frisian", "Frisian"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmw-fri",
	ancestors = {"ofs"},

m["ga"] = {
	canonicalName = "իռլանդերեն",
	otherNames = {"Irish Gaelic"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-gae",
	ancestors = {"mga"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú", "ý", "ḃ" , "ċ" , "ḋ" , "ḟ" , "ġ" , "ṁ" , "ṗ" , "ṡ" , "ṫ" },
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y", "bh", "ch", "dh", "fh", "gh", "mh", "ph", "sh", "th"}} ,

m["gd"] = {
	canonicalName = "գայելյան շոտլանդերեն",
	otherNames = {"Gàidhlig", "Highland Gaelic", "Scots Gaelic", "Scottish"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-gae",
	ancestors = {"mga"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áà]", "[éè]", "[íì]", "[óò]", "[úù]", "[ýỳ]"},
		to   = {"a"   , "e"   , "i"   , "o"   , "u"   , "y"   }} ,

m["gl"] = {
	canonicalName = "գալիսերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"roa-opt"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"}} ,

m["gn"] = {
	canonicalName = "գուարանի",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "tup",

m["gu"] = {
	canonicalName = "գուջարաթի",
	scripts = {"Gujr"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"inc-ogu"},
	translit_module = "gu-translit",

m["gv"] = {
	canonicalName = "մեներեն",
	otherNames = {"Manx Gaelic"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-gae",
	ancestors = {"mga"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ç", "-"},
		to   = {"c"}} ,

m["ha"] = {
	canonicalName = "հաուսա",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},
	family = "cdc-wst",

m["he"] = {
	canonicalName = "եբրայերեն",
	otherNames = {"Ivrit"},
	scripts = {"Hebr", "Phnx"},
	family = "sem-can",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[" .. u(0x0591) .. "-" .. u(0x05BD) .. u(0x05BF) .. "-" .. u(0x05C5) .. u(0x05C7) .. "]"},
		to   = {}} ,

m["hi"] = {
	canonicalName = "հինդի",
	scripts = {"Deva"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"inc-ohi"},
	translit_module = "hi-translit",

m["ho"] = {
	canonicalName = "Hiri Motu",
	otherNames = {"Pidgin Motu", "Police Motu"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "crp",
	ancestors = {"meu"},

m["ht"] = {
	canonicalName = "հայիթերեն",
	otherNames = {"Creole", "Haitian", "Kreyòl"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "crp",

m["hu"] = {
	canonicalName = "հունգարերեն",
	otherNames = {"Magyar"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "fiu-ugr",
	ancestors = {"ohu"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú", "ő", "ű"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "ö", "ü"}} ,

m["hy"] = {
	canonicalName = "հայերեն",
	otherNames = {"Modern Armenian", "Eastern Armenian", "Western Armenian"},
	scripts = {"Armn"},
	family = "hyx",
	ancestors = {"axm"},
	translit_module = "Armn-translit",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ու", "և", "եւ"},
		to   = {"ւ", "եվ", "եվ"}},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"՞", "՜", "՛", "՟", "և", "<sup>յ</sup>", "<sup>ի</sup>"},
		to   = {"", "", "", "", "եւ", "յ", "ի"}} ,

m["hz"] = {
	canonicalName = "Herero",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["ia"] = {
	canonicalName = "ինտերլինգուա",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "art",

m["id"] = {
	canonicalName = "ինդոնեզերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-mly",
	ancestors = {"ms"},

m["ie"] = {
	canonicalName = "ինտերլինգուե",
	otherNames = {"Occidental"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "art",

m["ig"] = {
	canonicalName = "Igbo",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "nic-bco",

m["ii"] = {
	canonicalName = "Sichuan Yi",
	otherNames = {"Nuosu", "Nosu", "Northern Yi", "Liangshan Yi"},
	scripts = {"Yiii"},
	family = "tbq-lol",

m["ik"] = {
	canonicalName = "ինուպուա",
	otherNames = {"Inupiaq", "Iñupiaq", "Inupiatun"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "esx-inu",

m["io"] = {
	canonicalName = "իդո",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "art",

m["is"] = {
	canonicalName = "իսլանդերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"non"},

m["it"] = {
	canonicalName = "իտալերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"roa-oit"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[àáâäå]", "[èéêë]", "[ìíîï]", "[òóôö]", "[ùúûü]"},
		to   = {"a"	  , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 }} ,

m["iu"] = {
	canonicalName = "ինուկտիտուտ",
	otherNames = {"Eastern Canadian Inuktitut", "Eastern Canadian Inuit", "Western Canadian Inuktitut", "Western Canadian Inuit", "Western Canadian Inuktun", "Inuinnaq", "Inuinnaqtun", "Inuvialuk", "Inuvialuktun", "Nunavimmiutit", "Nunatsiavummiut", "Aivilimmiut", "Natsilingmiut", "Kivallirmiut", "Siglit", "Siglitun"},
	scripts = {"Cans", "Latn"},
	family = "esx-inu",
	translit_module = "iu-translit",

m["ja"] = {
	canonicalName = "ճապոներեն",
	otherNames = {"Modern Japanese", "Nipponese", "Nihongo"},
	scripts = {"Jpan", "Latn", "Hira"},
	family = "jpx",
	ancestors = {"ojp"},

m["jv"] = {
	canonicalName = "ճավայերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Java"},
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	ancestors = {"kaw"},
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m["ka"] = {
	canonicalName = "վրացերեն",
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	translit_module = "Geor-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"̂"},
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m["kj"] = {
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m["kk"] = {
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m["kl"] = {
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m["km"] = {
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m["kn"] = {
	canonicalName = "կաննադա",
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m["ko"] = {
	canonicalName = "կորեերեն",
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m["kr"] = {
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m["ks"] = {
	canonicalName = "քաշմիրերեն",
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m["ku"] = {
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m["kw"] = {
	canonicalName = "կոռներեն",
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m["la"] = {
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m["lb"] = {
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m["lg"] = {
	canonicalName = "գանդա",
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m["li"] = {
	canonicalName = "լիմբուրգերեն",
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m["ln"] = {
	canonicalName = "լինգալա",
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	family = "bnt",

m["lo"] = {
	canonicalName = "լաոսերեն",
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m["lt"] = {
	canonicalName = "լիտվերեն",
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m["lu"] = {
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m["lv"] = {
	canonicalName = "լատվիերեն",
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	family = "bat",

m["mg"] = {
	canonicalName = "մալգաշերեն",
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m["mh"] = {
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m["mi"] = {
	canonicalName = "մաորի",
	otherNames = {"Māori"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-pol",

m["mk"] = {
	canonicalName = "մակեդոներեն",
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	family = "zls",
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		from = {ACUTE},
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m["ml"] = {
	canonicalName = "մալայալամ",
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m["mn"] = {
	canonicalName = "մոնղոլերեն",
	otherNames = {"Khalkha Mongolian"},
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	ancestors = {"cmg"},
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m["mr"] = {
	canonicalName = "մարաթի",
	scripts = {"Deva", "Modi"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"omr"},
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m["ms"] = {
	canonicalName = "մալայերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},
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m["mt"] = {
	canonicalName = "մալթայերեն",
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	family = "sem-arb",
	ancestors = {"sqr"},

m["my"] = {
	canonicalName = "բիրմաներեն",
	otherNames = {"Myanmar"},
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	family = "tbq-brm",
	ancestors = {"obr"},
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m["na"] = {
	canonicalName = "նաուրուերեն",
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m["nb"] = {
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m["nd"] = {
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m["ne"] = {
	canonicalName = "նեպալերեն",
	otherNames = {"Nepalese"},
	scripts = {"Deva"},
	family = "inc",
	translit_module = "ne-translit",

m["ng"] = {
	canonicalName = "Ndonga",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["nl"] = {
	canonicalName = "հոլանդերեն",
	otherNames = {"Netherlandic", "Flemish"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"dum"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[äáâå]", "[ëéê]", "[ïíî]", "[öóô]", "[üúû]", "ç", "ñ", "^-"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	, "i"	, "o"	, "u"	, "c", "n"}} ,

m["nn"] = {
	canonicalName = "նորվեգերեն նյունորսկ",
	otherNames = {"New Norwegian", "Nynorsk"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"gmq-mno"},

m["no"] = {
	canonicalName = "նորվեգերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"gmq-mno"},

m["nr"] = {
	canonicalName = "Southern Ndebele",
	otherNames = {"South Ndebele"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt-ngu",

m["nv"] = {
	canonicalName = "նավահո",
	scripts = {"nv-Latn"},
	family = "apa",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áą]", "[éę]", "[íį]", "[óǫ]", "ń", "^n([djlt])", "ł" , "[ʼ’']", ACUTE},
		to   = {"a"   , "e"   , "i"   , "o"   , "n", "ni%1"	  , "l"}}, -- the copyright sign is used to guarantee that ł will always be sorted after all other words with l

m["ny"] = {
	canonicalName = "նյանջա",
	otherNames = {"Chicheŵa", "Chinyanja", "Nyanja", "Chewa"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",
	entry_name = {
		from = {ACUTE},
		to   = {}},

m["oc"] = {
	canonicalName = "սքվիտաներեն",
	otherNames = {"Provençal", "Auvergnat", "Auvernhat", "Gascon", "Languedocien", "Lengadocian"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"pro"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[àá]", "[èé]", "[íï]", "[òó]", "[úü]", "ç", "([lns])·h"},
		to   = {"a"   , "e"   , "i"   , "o"   , "u"   , "c", "%1h"	  }} ,

m["oj"] = {
	canonicalName = "Ojibwe",
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	scripts = {"Cans", "Latn"},
	family = "alg",

m["om"] = {
	canonicalName = "օրոմո",
	otherNames = {"Orma", "Borana-Arsi-Guji Oromo", "West Central Oromo"},
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	family = "cus",

m["or"] = {
	canonicalName = "օրիյա",
	otherNames = {"Odia", "Oorya"},
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	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"pka"},

m["os"] = {
	canonicalName = "օսերեն",
	otherNames = {"Ossete", "Ossetic", "Digor", "Iron"},
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	family = "ira",
	translit_module = "os-translit",
	ancestors = {"oos"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {}} ,

m["pa"] = {
	canonicalName = "փենջաբերեն",
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	scripts = {"Guru", "Arab", "Deva"},
	family = "inc",
	translit_module = "pa-translit",
	ancestors = {"psu"},

m["pi"] = {
	canonicalName = "պալի",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Deva", "Sinh", "Mymr", "Khmr", "Thai"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"bh"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ā", "ī", "ū", "ḍ", "ḷ", "[ṁṃ]", "[ṇñṅ]", "ṭ"},
		to   = {"a", "i", "u", "d", "l", "m"   , "n"	, "t"}} ,

m["pl"] = {
	canonicalName = "լեհերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "zlw",
	ancestors = {"zlw-opl"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[Ąą]", "[Ćć]", "[Ęę]", "[Łł]", "[Ńń]", "[Óó]", "[Śś]", "[Żż]", "[Źź]"},
		to   = {
			"a" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"c" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"e" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"l" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"n" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"o" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"s" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"z" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"z" .. u(0x10FFFE)}} ,

m["ps"] = {
	canonicalName = "փուշթու",
	otherNames = {"Pashtun", "Pushto", "Pashtu", "Central Pashto", "Northern Pashto", "Southern Pashto", "Pukhto", "Pakhto", "Pakkhto", "Afghani"},
	scripts = {"ps-Arab"},
	family = "ira-eas",

m["pt"] = {
	canonicalName = "պորտուգալերեն",
	otherNames = {"Modern Portuguese"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"roa-opt"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[àãáâä]", "[èẽéêë]", "[ìĩíï]", "[òóôõö]", "[üúùũ]", "ç", "ñ"},
		to   = {"a"	  , "e"	  , "i"	 , "o"	  , "u"	 , "c", "n"}} ,

m["qu"] = {
	canonicalName = "կեչուա",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qwe",

m["rm"] = {
	canonicalName = "ռոմանշերեն",
	otherNames = {"Romansh", "Rumantsch", "Romanche"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",

m["rn"] = {
	canonicalName = "ռունդի",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["ro"] = {
	canonicalName = "ռումիներեն",
	otherNames = {"Daco-Romanian", "Roumanian", "Rumanian"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl"},
	family = "roa",
	sort_key = {
        from = {"ă" , "â"  , "î" , "ș" , "ț" },
        to   = {"a~", "a~~", "i~", "s~", "t~"}},

m["ru"] = {
	canonicalName = "ռուսերեն",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "zle",
	translit_module = "ru-translit",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ё"},
		to   = {"е" .. mw.ustring.char(0x10FFFF)}},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Ѐ", "ѐ", "Ѝ", "ѝ", GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {"Е", "е", "И", "и"}},

m["rw"] = {
	canonicalName = "կինյառուանդա",
	otherNames = {"Rwanda"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["sa"] = {
	canonicalName = "սանսկրիտ",
	scripts = {"Deva", "Beng", "Brah", "Gran", "Gujr", "Guru", "Khar", "Knda", "Mlym", "Mymr", "Orya", "Shrd", "Sinh", "Taml", "Telu", "Thai", "Tibt"},
	family = "inc",
	translit_module = "sa-translit",

m["sc"] = {
	canonicalName = "սարդիներեն",
	otherNames = {"Campidanese", "Campidanese Sardinian", "Logudorese", "Logudorese Sardinian", "Nuorese", "Nuorese Sardinian"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",

m["sd"] = {
	canonicalName = "սինդհի",
	scripts = {"sd-Arab", "Deva"},
	family = "inc",

m["se"] = {
	canonicalName = "հյուսիսային սաամի",
	otherNames = {"North Sami", "Northern Saami", "North Saami"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "smi",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"([đflmnŋrsšŧv])'%1"},
		to   = {"%1%1"} },

m["sg"] = {
	canonicalName = "սանգո",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "crp",

m["sh"] = {
	canonicalName = "սերբա-խորվաթերեն",
	otherNames = {"BCS", "Croato-Serbian", "Serbocroatian", "Bosnian", "Croatian", "Montenegrin", "Serbian"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl"},
	family = "zls",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[ȀÀȂÁĀ]", "[ȁàȃáā]", "[ȄÈȆÉĒ]", "[ȅèȇéē]", "[ȈÌȊÍĪ]", "[ȉìȋíī]", "[ȌÒȎÓŌ]", "[ȍòȏóō]", "[ȐȒŔ]", "[ȑȓŕ]", "[ȔÙȖÚŪ]", "[ȕùȗúū]", "Ѐ", "ѐ", "[ӢЍ]", "[ӣѝ]", "[Ӯ]", "[ӯ]", GRAVE, ACUTE, DGRAVE, INVBREVE, MACRON},
		to   = {"A"	  , "a"	  , "E"	  , "e"	  , "I"	  , "i"	  , "O"	  , "o"	  , "R"	, "r"	, "U"	  , "u"	  , "Е", "е", "И"   , "и", "У", "у"   }},
	wikimedia_codes = {"sh", "bs", "hr", "sr"},

m["si"] = {
	canonicalName = "սինհալերեն",
	otherNames = {"Singhalese", "Sinhala"},
	scripts = {"Sinh"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"pmh"},
	translit_module = "si-translit",

m["sk"] = {
	canonicalName = "սլովակերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "zlw",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áä]", "é", "í", "[óô]", "ú", "ý", "ŕ", "ĺ"},
		to   = {"a"   , "e", "i", "o"   , "u", "y", "r", "l"}} ,

m["sl"] = {
	canonicalName = "սլովեներեն",
	otherNames = {"Slovenian"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "zls",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[ÁÀÂȂȀ]", "[áàâȃȁ]", "[ÉÈÊȆȄỆẸ]", "[éèêȇȅệẹə]", "[ÍÌÎȊȈ]", "[íìîȋȉ]", "[ÓÒÔȎȌỘỌ]", "[óòôȏȍộọ]", "[ŔȒȐ]", "[ŕȓȑ]", "[ÚÙÛȖȔ]", "[úùûȗȕ]", "ł", GRAVE, ACUTE, DGRAVE, INVBREVE, CIRC, DOTBELOW},
		to   = {"A"	  , "a"	  , "E"		, "e"		 , "I"	  , "i"	  , "O"		, "o"		, "R"	, "r"	, "U"	  , "u"	  , "l"}} ,

m["sm"] = {
	canonicalName = "սամոաներեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-pol",

m["sn"] = {
	canonicalName = "շոնա",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["so"] = {
	canonicalName = "սոմալիերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab", "Osma"},
	family = "cus",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[ÁÀÂ]", "[áàâ]", "[ÉÈÊ]", "[éèê]", "[ÍÌÎ]", "[íìî]", "[ÓÒÔ]", "[óòô]", "[ÚÙÛ]", "[úùû]", "[ÝỲ]", "[ýỳ]"},
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m["sq"] = {
	canonicalName = "ալբաներեն",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Elba"},
	family = "sqj",
	sort_key = {
		from = { '[âãä]', '[ÂÃÄ]', '[êẽë]', '[ÊẼË]', 'ĩ', 'Ĩ', 'õ', 'Õ', 'ũ', 'Ũ', 'ỹ', 'Ỹ', 'ç', 'Ç' },
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m["ss"] = {
	canonicalName = "սուաթի",
	otherNames = {"Swati"},
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	family = "bnt-ngu",

m["st"] = {
	canonicalName = "հարավային սոթո",
	otherNames = {"Sesotho", "Southern Sesotho", "Southern Sotho"},
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	family = "bnt",

m["su"] = {
	canonicalName = "սունդաներեն",
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m["sv"] = {
	canonicalName = "շվեդերեն",
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m["sw"] = {
	canonicalName = "սուահիլի",
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	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},
	family = "bnt",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ng'", "^-"},
		to   = {"ngz"}} ,

m["ta"] = {
	canonicalName = "թամիլերեն",
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m["te"] = {
	canonicalName = "թելուգու",
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m["tg"] = {
	canonicalName = "տաջիկերեն",
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	family = "ira-wes",
	ancestors = {"fa"},
	translit_module = "tg-translit",
		sort_key = {
		from = {"Ё", "ё"},
		to   = {"Е" , "е"}} ,
	entry_name = {
		from = {ACUTE},
		to   = {}} ,

m["th"] = {
	canonicalName = "թայերեն",
	scripts = {"Thai"},
	family = "tai-swe",
	translit_module = "th-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = { "-" },
		to = {}} ,

m["ti"] = {
	canonicalName = "տիգրինյա",
	scripts = {"Ethi"},
	family = "sem-eth",
	translit_module = "Ethi-translit",

m["tk"] = {
	canonicalName = "թուրքմեներեն",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl"},
	family = "trk-ogz",

m["tl"] = {
	canonicalName = "թագալոգ",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Tglg"},
	family = "phi",

m["tn"] = {
	canonicalName = "թսվանա",
	otherNames = {"Setswana"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["to"] = {
	canonicalName = "տոնգերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-pol",

m["tr"] = {
	canonicalName = "թուրքերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "trk-ogz",
	ancestors = {"ota"},

m["ts"] = {
	canonicalName = "թսոնգա",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["tt"] = {
	canonicalName = "թաթարերեն",
	scripts = {"Cyrl", "Latn", "Arab", "tt-Arab"},
	family = "trk-kip",
	translit_module = "tt-translit",

m["ty"] = {
	canonicalName = "թայիթիերեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-pol",

m["ug"] = {
	canonicalName = "ույղուրերեն",
	otherNames = {"Uigur", "Uighur", "Uygur"},
	scripts = {"ug-Arab", "Latn", "Cyrl"},
	family = "trk",
	ancestors = {"chg"},
	translit_module = "ug-translit",

m["uk"] = {
	canonicalName = "ուկրաիներեն",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "zle",
	translit_module = "uk-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Ѐ", "ѐ", "Ѝ", "ѝ", GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {"Е", "е", "И", "и"}},
m["ur"] = {
	canonicalName = "ուրդու",
	scripts = {"ur-Arab"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"psu"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652)},
		to   = {}} ,

m["uz"] = {
	canonicalName = "ուզբեկերեն",
	otherNames = {"Northern Uzbek", "Southern Uzbek"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl", "fa-Arab"},
	family = "trk",
	ancestors = {"chg"},

m["ve"] = {
	canonicalName = "վենդա",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["vi"] = {
	canonicalName = "վիետնամերեն",
	otherNames = {"Annamese", "Annamite"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Hani"},
	family = "mkh-vie",
	ancestors = {"mkh-mvi"},

m["vo"] = {
	canonicalName = "վոլապուկ",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "art",

m["wa"] = {
	canonicalName = "վալոներեն",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"fro"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áàâäå]", "[éèêë]", "[íìîï]", "[óòôö]", "[úùûü]", "[ýỳŷÿ]", "ç", "'"},
		to   = {"a"	  , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 , "y"	 , "c"}} ,

m["wo"] = {
	canonicalName = "վոլոֆ",
	otherNames = {"Gambian Wolof"}, -- the subsumed dialect 'wof'
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},
	family = "alv-sng",

m["xh"] = {
	canonicalName = "քոսա",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt-ngu",

m["yi"] = {
	canonicalName = "իդիշ",
	scripts = {"Hebr"},
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"gmh"},
	translit_module = "yi-translit",

m["yo"] = {
	canonicalName = "յորուբա",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-von",

m["za"] = {
	canonicalName = "զազակի",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Hani"},
	family = "tai",

m["zh"] = {
	canonicalName = "չինարեն",
	scripts = {"Hani"},
	family = "sit",
	ancestors = {"ltc"},

m["zu"] = {
	canonicalName = "զուլուերեն",
	otherNames = {"isiZulu"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt-ngu",

return m